Thursday, April 27, 2017

Life is Beautiful ~

My oldest daughter and her family have been hiking
some beautiful areas here in Colorado this Spring
and I was invited to go on one of those hikes alone with my daughter. 
What an eventful day! 
She had a sleep over with her dad and me the night before the hike
so we could get an earlier start, but, we all know that delays happen for a reason. 
We didn't leave as early as we had hoped but we had no worries. 
The hike took place over an hour from where we live
and on the way there after stopping for gas her vehicle began making
quite a clunking noise in the rear end. 
I'm one of those that believes ~ it will go away ~ not always. 
We continued down the road thinking only of our hike, 
until the noise became louder with every stop we made. 
My daughter phoned her husband and he suggested that we find a brake shop
as he had just previously looked at the emergency brake.
He thought that he was the cause of the problem, NOT!
So... as ladies with one thought on our minds, our hike, 
we chose to do the 6 mile hike first then search out a garage
not taking into consideration that my daughter still
had over a three hour drive home and needed to be home 
for work early the next morning.

What a glorious hike as we took in the beauty that surrounded
us in this canyon, Devils Canyon actually. 
Colorado National Monument, where there are 22 trails you can take
off the loop as you view the wild flowers, birds, wildlife
and, the trails can be enjoyed by horseback as well. 
In all this open space I managed to catch a cold
and have been under the weather ever since. 
My daughter and I took a couple of the trails off the loop
and came across some gorgeous rock formations
when suddenly, after 4 miles into the hike I was DONE!
Just like that, my knees were finished and I believe it was God Himself
who brought me to the place of needing to quit.
You see...quiting at the time we did allowed us to find the garage
God was directing us to. 
Turns out the vehicles clunking noise was her left rear axle
that had fallen due to a screw that had been sheared off.
We were dragging the axle.
The owner of this awesome garage told us that his 1:00 appointment didn't show,
otherwise he would not have been able to look after us until the next day.
It was a 4 1/2 hour job where the owner worked diligently 
so that my daughter could still make it home that evening.
Delays and God's perfect timing...
He knew that we could make the 1:00 apt. 
if I was to surrender and humbly say, I'M DONE!
During the time that my daughter and I waited we enjoyed a lovely walk
into the town, had a great lunch followed by a caramel frappe
and sweet, sweet fellowship that will forever remain in my heart. 
God's Word commands us to " rejoice always in the Lord."  ~ Philippians 4:4 ~
And to shout for joy as we trust in Him.  ~ Psalm 5:11 ~
We have so many reasons to rejoice in the Lord. 
The expense of a vehicle breakdown is still worth rejoicing over
because God is in charge and He looks after our every need.
"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
and that my soul knows very well."
~ Psalm 139:14 ~

No friendship is an accident
 ~ O. Henry ~

  This week a dear and godly friend of mine invited me over for a cup of tea.
 This wasn't just your usual cup of tea with a friend, no, rather it was
my dear friends first tea luncheon. 
My friend has joined Stephanie's tea cup/Mug exchanges but only with a mug.
This last exchange she decided to come on board and experience
the joy of  exchanging a tea cup in hopes she would find a liking for tea.
Well, she was blessed in abundance from the sweet lady who
gifted to her. Being a first timer with the tea cup exchange
her lady went all out in sharing tea related items with her
and all sorts of tea flavors, it was a beautiful package!
My friend couldn't wait for the day when she could share her new tea cup 
and goodies with me.
As she hosted her lovely luncheon and we visited over a cup of tea
 the sweetest of memories were made. 
I do not feel at liberty to share names or photos
as each of these lady's do not have a blog. 
I think it is beautiful that these two ladies were brought together
and a sweet friendship is beginning to grow.
Just another precious testimony of a friendship 
through Stephanie's wonderful exchange. 


Graceful followers, thank you for taking the time to stop in, 
it is always a joy visiting with you!

Be Gracious!
~ Debbie ~


Sylvia said...

Oh yes, I do believe all things happen for a reason, God is so good.
So happy and thankful you left in time to get the car fixed.
What a blessing your post is today, Debbie.

Elizabethd said...

A lovely post. God is in all things.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Debbie, yes, nothing happens by accident. So glad God directed your hike just when it was time to fix the car issue. Praise HIM for his love and care. Your photos of the hike are amazing. You live in such a beautiful place to hike these areas being a short trip away.
Glad you enjoyed a sweet visit with a tea cup exchange participate and had a lovely time. Yes, Stephanie's exchange has brought folks together in so many special ways. It is a blessing.
Wishing you a wonderful day and last weekend of April.
Blessings and joys to you. xo

Kerin said...

Hello, Debbie.
Lovely post, filled with beautiful pictures and beautiful blessings!!
Isn't is amazing how our Father in Heaven is aware of our needs, and blesses us in every moment??!!

Thanks for your wonderful visit and sweet comments.
I'm following you now and looking forward to reading your posts.

We have drizzly weather here in Utah, and everything is greening up so beautifully. Sunny days are just around the corner... Yay!!

Enjoy the rest of your week.


NanaNor's said...

Happy Thursday Debbie, I loved this post-firstly that you and your daughter planned a day of hiking together-but I have to ask where in our beautiful state is this area? It reminds me of Garden of the Gods, or maybe in the Moab area? I'd love to be able to check it out! So thankful the Lord arranged all the timing for the garage etc. So thankful that you didn't have any issues with the car breaking down in the middle of nowhere.
How sweet that your friend had a special tea luncheon. I hope you are having a good week and feeling better.

Marilyn Mathis said...

What a wonderful God we serve. He is always looking out for us and knows just what we need. So thankful that He protected you and made everything work out so that it could be a testimony for Him and grateful that you acknowledge Him as the one who took care of you not just luck. Beautiful photos of your hike. You are such a precious blessing to me. Hugs.

Debbie Harris said...

Hi Noreen~~ this area we hiked is in Fruita Co.a beautiful area full of amazing hiking trails.
Thank you for your well wishes~

Debbie Harris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Creations By Cindy said...

Our Lord always knows what we need doesn't He? What a wonderful hike and time spend with your girl is always a plus I am sure. Mercy, you have way more determination than I do I am afraid to say. 6 miles! YIKES. Of course my three daughter's are runners and they did not get that after their mama! LOL! Wishing you a lovely day sweet lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Rose L said...

My husband and I camped in several areas of Colorado. One was on top of Colorado National Monument. We came to the realization that it is very difficult to drive stakes into the monument to put up a tent! LOL During the night we were visited by a mountain lion which sniffed and growled around our tent! And at one point the wind blew our tent down and hubby ran out in his boxers to get it up off of us. A night to remember!

Cheryl said...

Oh, my, I am so sorry you are sick! And sorry you had so much trouble that day. It is wonderful that even though God allows trials to come our way, He shows mercy right in the midst of them. So thankful you had a lovely time with your daughter and also your friend at the tea party. God bless you, sweet friend, and I hope you feel much better soon!! Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

What awesome scenery from your hike. So thankful for the Lord's perfect timing. Sorry you have been under the weather. Take care and have a peaceful weekend.

R's Rue said...


Deborah Montgomery said...

So thankful for how the whole day was orchestrated for you in such a way as to see God's hand clearly watching over and protecting you both, and giving you all that natural beauty and lovely time together.
And to share tea with a special friend, another blessing!
Yes, life is beautiful. xo Deborah

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

God's timing is so perfect and your story is certainly evidence of that fact! What a lovely and inspiring post!

Stephanie said...

Awww...what a precious post! I loved seeing pictures of you and my sister and my, what gorgeous scenery you enjoyed on the hike!

I am ever so glad you stopped at the car garage and got her card fixed, Praise the Lord for the way He works.

Your post was truly beautiful and a joy to read. Thinking of you and sending lots of love your way!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What a beautiful time to enjoy hiking with your oldest daughter and then God directed your plan further with you getting DONE, and the car getting fixed at just the nick of time. What pretty photos you've shared of your glorious hike, Debbie. Thank you for sharing the loveliness of the new friendship that developed as a result of Stephanie's teacup exchange. God sure works through her, doesn't He? xxoo

Sue said...

Hello sweet lady, delays and God's perfect timing, are not by chance for sure, it is ordained by God Himself, I am so glad that you listened to the Holy Spirit, when you said enough! The photos are absolutely beautiful and the wonderful memories you and your daughter will share is also God's plan! I am sure that over this past year you have reminisced over many memories that you shared with your Dad,and that these memories have sustained you! Hope you are feeling better!
Thank you for visiting me and for taking the time to leave me such sweet notes!.
Manny blessings.

Kaisievic said...

Such a lovely story and such gorgeous views. Thank you for sharing.

janice15 said...

As I learn each day more and more when you walk with the Lord and trust him he will do whats good for you.. it was a sign to him assuring you that he is taking care of you and daughter.. one day when things are a bit more settle I hope to join Stephanies teacup exchange.. glad everything turned out well.. blessings my dear with love Janice

Kim said...

What started out as perhaps a morning filled with botheration ended up rather wonderfully, didn't it. You enjoyed a short hike, viewed the most gorgeous scenery and enjoyed a wonderful luncheon and precious time with your daughter. It is a wonderful comfort to rest in the joy that God has all our bases covered. Have a lovely weekend, lovely Debbie.

Kim said...

What started out as perhaps a morning filled with botheration ended up rather wonderfully, didn't it. You enjoyed a short hike, viewed the most gorgeous scenery and enjoyed a wonderful luncheon and precious time with your daughter. It is a wonderful comfort to rest in the joy that God has all our bases covered. Have a lovely weekend, lovely Debbie.

Alessandra said...

Thanks for sharing such beautiful places. You live in a wonderful country. I agree with your words. Thank you very much for the sweet comment. Hugs from Italy

quakerhillfarm said...

What beauty! You are so right, God's timing is always perfect. Thank you so much for sharing this very inspiring post. Blessings to you this day! Love, Lynn

Debby Ray said...

You don't have to convince me that all these things worked together for many reasons. I absolutely believe the Lord knew exactly what was going on with that car. Oh my...what a blessing that you were so tuned in to the leading of the Lord...AND that you were obedient when He told you that you had had enough! Your photos are just breathtaking! What a glorious hike that must have been and a great time for mother and daughter. The Lord's guidance and protection just made it all the more special. Thank you for sharing this awesome testimony of the goodness of our good, good Father! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, sweet friend...HUGS!

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

What an amazing story!! I love how you two just kept on going with that hike in mind and not worrying about the "clunking" noise -- hahaha! I also love how we get to see God's hand at work in situations like this and HIS perfect timing AND how you were still able to enjoy such a sweet time while waiting for the car to be fixed. I'm afraid I need to practice that more -- I think I would have been fretting the whole time!! Beautiful pictures and beautiful memories!

Pom Pom said...

Yay! I'm glad you were able to hike AND get the car fixed. What gorgeous scenery!

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

It is always so important to listen to that inner voice, isn't it? How many times have we been saved from something or had things go the best way because we did! It sounds like your day went just as it was supposed to. How lovely that your friend wanted to share her tea gifts with you. I hope you feel better soon!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

Oh Debbie! What a day for you and your daughter! So thankful for the Lord's protection and guidance throughout the day for both of you. You were able to enjoy the hike, spend the day together exploring a new little town, and the Lord arranged for the car to be fixed just in time, wow! So thankful for the hand of the Lord throughout the whole day for you!!! And how special to enjoy such a precious day with your friend experiencing her joy of having her own tea party! I'm praying the cold lets up for you soon! I hope all this snow that hit Colorado hasn't caused too much trouble for you! Hugs to you today dear friend!

Conniecrafter said...

Isn't it wonderful how God looks out for our every need, even when at the time it feels otherwise.
How wonderful that you were able to make great memories with your daughter while you waited for the car to be fixed. So enjoyed your pictures of your day out!!

baili said...

having daughter for sleep over is a great pleasure my friend !
i don't have daughter though but whenever my eldest son visits home days become like celebrations.
how glorious place where you go for hike ,absolute beauty of nature around you

Sheryl said...

What an eventful day out you had which really could have turned out very differently. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos, amazing Devils Canyon - scary

Margie said...

I'm glad that everything worked out with your daughter's car. I'm impressed that were able to walk back 4 miles with your "finished knees."

I love how Stephanie's exchanges encourage new friendships. Glad that your friend had a memorable first swap.

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie, new to your site - from Marilyn's MTS blog.
I sent you an email, so I hope you got it - might check your spam.
Some nice pics and what a time you had ... under the watchful care of the Lord!
Good for you to have some fun and go with His lead!
God's Best, Dianne

Jean | said...

Debbie, what a lovely way to spend time with your daughter. I hope Stephanie got well in time for your mother-daughters tea party!

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