Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Focused and Optimistic ~

Hello to you my dear friends and faithful followers!
I trust your week is off to a great start,
filled with the joy of the Lord, and goodness straight from His heart
My heart is overflowing with Joy!
Yesterday was my six week post-op check-up on my new knee
and with glee and delight I'm doing a bit of a happy dance. 💃💃💃
I had one terrific uplifting positive visit with my Doctor!
He was quite pleased with my progress, and the x-ray technician 
was amazed at how I was walking and getting around.
I told both him and the Doctor that the credit goes to my wonderful therapist,
but they were kind in their replies reminding me that what I do as homework
exercises is what will make or break me.
I have shared with you from surgery up until now,
and if you remember right I had a bit of a scare over the fluid around my knee,
freaked out just a little ((smiles)) and over exercised for fear that the fluid
would turn into scar tissue.
I laugh now.
Seriously though ~ I have heard more people tell me of new knees turning out
not so wonderful and for various reasons, but especially because of the lack of 
exercising and not obeying orders from their therapist.
I was concerned that I too would have issues with my bend especially,
but keeping my eyes on Jesus, resting in your faithful prayers, staying focused, 
having a positive attitude with my exercises and being optimistic through out my days on this journey as I climb my personal "sand dune" 
has brought me to my six week check-up
with good, positive results.
Thank you Jesus!

~ The right knee is the new knee ~ Isn't it beautiful! ~

"I will speak of the glorious honor of thy majesty,
and of thy wondrous works.
~ Psalm 145:5 ~

"Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name forever and ever.
Great is the Lord,  and greatly to be praised; 
and his greatness is unsearchable."
~ Psalm 145:2&3 ~


For Mother's Day my daughter Stephanie gifted me with the sweetest book on flowers.
The pages of this sweet book communicate to the readers beyond the
limitations of words the Victorian language of flowers selected
to convey a message of celebration and cheer, then, the book is
transformed into a bouquet of lovely flowers.
I took the book with me as reading material yesterday while on our
5 1/2 to 6 hour roundtrip drive to the city for my Doctor appointment.
I've read this book a number of times, but once again I was
inspired by the sunflower "Helianthus" the flower of strength.
A great reminder to turn our head and heart towards the "Son" Jesus Christ, 
and stay focused.
"The sunflower turns its head toward the sun throughout the day,
following its path across the sky. It's  hard to imagine this brilliant
and sturdy plant as anything less than a symbol of true optimism.
It encourages us to be hopeful, to keep looking up,
and to stay focused on our goals."


Keep Looking Up!
~ Debbie~

Monday, August 13, 2018

Show and Tell ~

I remember those school days long ago
when we were given the opportunity before our class-mates
to "show & tell" of our treasured items.
My thoughts ~ I believe show and tell may have been a fun way
of getting students out of their comfort zone
and up in front of others speaking without even realizing it was a teaching tool.
I looked forward to sharing with my class-mates,
but I'm not real sure it helped me in overcoming  my shy and quiet spirit.
It wasn't until High School when, at a Christmas dance my best friend and I 
stood up against the wall looking like wall flowers, both very much shy and quiet
that I had a little talk with me, myself and I.
'Debbie, is this really how you want to be for the rest of your life?!
Unless I decided to make some changes, I would likely remain a wall flower.
Soon after my little talk I was employed by the ski resort as a chair lift operator.
During my interview I was told that I was given the job
because of who my dad and his business partner were,
and that I would be hired on a trial basis.
I had to prove myself, speak to the tourists and be friendly, after all, 
it was the tourists that brought in the business for the ski area.
That was the turning point in my life,
and the shy, quiet Debbie never stood as a wall flower again.
Making conversation was... well... I could talk to a stump if I had too.

~ ~ ☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆ ~ ~

While I have nothing to show you here in this post sweet friends,
 I do have  some happenings to tell you all about.
Remember a year ago July 2nd mom had a massive heart attack,
then Urosepsis, followed by a fall in the Rehab Center due to the O.T.
leaving her wheel-chair unlocked causing a brain bleed,
followed by brain surgery.
After two "Flight for Life" helicopter rides, months in the hospital,
extensive rehab and tberapy mom has graduated.
After her visits with the Doctors this past week
mom will travel back to Arizona knowing all is good and well.
Mom had some mitro valve clips put in and they have secured themselves perfectly.
While mom will always have heart disease we stand in amazement 
over the short time it took for her to make strides.
She made it back to her home in Arizona last March,
has private help looking in on her, and is driving.
Yes, driving!!
God's grace and mercy, your faithful prayers and mom's determination
is why she is a walking miracle.

~ ~ ☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆ ~ ~

This past week I landed on a bit of a ripple climbing my "sand dune".
I think it was the weepy ripple, I was warned it would pay me a visit.
At the drop of a hat, I was weepy.
While at one of my therapy sessions, my therapist asked "how was I sleeping?"
Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I shared that going to bed in the evening
was dark, dreary and depressing.
Hooking up to the ice machine, being surrounded by pillows, sleeping on my back
all played a factor in why I didn't look forward to my bed at night;
so my dear therapist told me it was time to change things up.
Now I ice only during the day, no more pillows except for one,
and I can sleep under the covers like a human being.
I was told to take a few days off from major exercising
as I was over doing it causing some bruising underneath the skin.
When my therapist told me I had fluid around my knee 
and that it could turn into scar tissue, I freaked out!
I have such a fear of NOT doing things right with my exercises,
but overkill can be just as harmful.
Lesson learned!
After four days of nothing but rest, ice and sleep, I'm back in the saddle again.
My precious therapist knows me very well, 
she has treated me with my three other minuscule knee surgeries and with my
vestibular/labyrinth balance issues, so I know she is looking after me well.
She continues to remind me that it is still quite early and take it slow.
Slow is a foreign word with me, but, I'm listening to my orders.

~ ~ ☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆ ~ ~

Over these past weeks I have been greatly blessed by the love
that so many dear friends and family members have showered upon me.
There have been meals, cards, gifts, flowers, phone calls, 
encouraging text & e-mail messages, visits, drivers, errand runners and lots of hugs.
Thank You!!
I have had the joy of being treated like such a lady from my grandsons
who are becoming quite the gentleman.
This Gamma has been blessed beyond!
"Children's children are a crown to the aged,
and parents are the glory of their children."
~ Proverbs 17:6 ~

Life is sweet, even on those days when it seems like we may be going backwards,
and that sweetness comes straight from our Heavenly Father's heart. ❤

~ Debbie ~

Monday, August 6, 2018

God's Glory ~ My Joy

 It was the day after a beautiful rain as I sat in the swing
enjoying God's perfect beauty that surrounded me.
In the distance I could hear the birds singing sweetly over 
the sound of the water in the creek nearby.
Just to my right on the hillside beside our home was a young
buck with his fuzzy antlers feasting on the berry bushes
without a care in the world.
As I looked up to the heavens our Rocky Mountain blue skies were magnificent.
I sat there gently swinging with my surgery leg resting
to the side of me while my precious Donatella sat near the swing
enjoying the fresh morning sunshine with a little butterfly resting on her head.
My mind and heart were at peace as I pondered on the goodness of God in my life.

~ ~ ☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆ ~ ~

"The work of righteousness will be at peace,
and the effect of righteousness, 
quietness and assurance forever.
My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, 
in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places."
~ Isaiah 32:17~18 ~

~ ~ ☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆ ~ ~

As a child of God, He is right now preparing "a place" for us to live forever with Him.
"In my Father's house are many mansions,
if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go and prepare a place for you."
~ John 14:2 ~
Such a promise we are given from Jesus Himself.
As I sat in our back yard looking at my home and the surroundings,
there was a reality that flooded over my soul ~
God wants my home to reflect His heart and grace,
where the presence of Christ is felt, and
a place where His Word is read and honored.
My morning was a quiet place of reflection, and as always, 
my God was right there beside of me filling my heart with His joy.

~ ~ ☆ ☆  ♡ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆ ~ ~

My heart is once again singing the praises of our Lord,
as today marks four weeks since my knee surgery.
I know that I am doing as well as I am because of your faithful prayers.
God is certainly hearing and answering YOU!
How I love and appreciate each one of you dear and faithful followers.
This past week I had a bit of a scare with my therapist.
She said my knee was full of fluid and I needed to diligently work to move it,
or otherwise, I would be left with scar tissue.
My bend wasn't as good as it had been due to all the fluid
and that concerned me greatly.
Every day this past week I faithfully and diligently massaged my knee
with vitamin E oil working the fluid up towards my heart.
On Fridays therapy session I passed with flying colors,
and though there is still some fluid most of it has moved,
and, my bend is up to 115!
Little details of our lives, like a bit of fluid, 
is looked after from our loving Heavenly Father.
He is concerned and cares for us with love and compassion.
I'm still not driving, but my dear daughter Stephanie and her little guy
* who by the way is a little gentleman *
have so graciously taken time from their own lives to drive me to therapy.
I'm thinking anytime soon I will be behind that wheel again.
I continue to press forward climbing my "sand dune"
knowing that I still have a long ways to go,
but as I climb one step at a time my eyes are focused on Jesus,
and I know, without a doubt, that He will never leave me or forsake me.

~ ~ ☆ ☆ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ☆ ☆ ~ ~

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth,
Who have set Your glory above the heavens!"

To God be the Glory!
~ Debbie ~
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