Monday, August 1, 2016

~ Cheerfulness is Healthy

Hello dear friends!
The past couple of weeks my husband and I have had
 the joy and the privilege of keeping our oldest daughters
three boys and enjoying them one-on-one!
They are certainly growing up and showing forth
their own individual character traits and qualities.
While busy with my boys I left the computer to itself
and have not been around to visit your loveliness.
I look forward to catching up with you soon.


This past week, my dear Uncle Spike (dads brother),
was called home to glory.
Uncle Spike held a very special place in my life;
for it was he who took the time to tell me about my Savior, Jesus Christ.
Uncle Spike was concerned for the salvation of my soul
and through his love and concern I put my faith and trust in Christ 33 years ago. 
Uncle Spike loved the Lord and was not ashamed of the Gospel;
his desire was to share Christ with those whom God brought into his life.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
for it is the power of God unto salvation
to every one that believeth;
to the Jew first, and also the Greek."
(Romans 1:16)
During the last days of Uncle Spikes life
he was on hospice; yet, he still had that joy and laughter
in his heart with a smile that warmed your soul.
His hope was in Christ, and it was evident in his life
as he passed from this life into glory. 
In the early years of my life, after placing my faith in Christ,
I would call on Uncle Spike with numerous questions
while spending time reading the Scriptures.
My heart longed to have a deeper intimacy with Christ
through the study of His word.
Oh there was so much that I wanted to know,
 learn and understand but it wasn't coming fast enough.
I can still remember my Uncle laughing on the other end of the phone
during those phone calls. He knew that every believer 
hungered for the Truth after salvation took place
and that's what I was doing.
He encouraged me to use Bible dictionaries, concordances
and other Bible references to study 
and dig deeper into the Word of God.
Uncle Spike made an impact on my Spiritual walk with the Lord
through his instruction, encouragement and inspiration. 
I will for-ever be grateful for his love towards me.
Many times when I write a post, I will share with you
things I find through dictionaries and other study helps;
I guess I'm passing along to you some of that inspiration that was passed on to me.


"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine;
but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
(Proverbs 17:22)
"A sound heart is the life of the flesh." (Proverbs 14:30b)
The English Standard Version uses the word "Tranquil heart"
 Tranquil in the dictionary is ~
Free from agitation, serene, free from disturbance or turmoil, quiet, steady, stable.
"Flesh"  a healthy mind filled with wisdom
is associated with a healthy body.

A cheerful heart causes good health.
"It will be health to your flesh,
and strength to your bones." (Proverbs 3:8)
The inner parts, the renewal of the marrow is strength to the bones.
"His breasts are full of milk,
and his bones are moistened with marrow." (Job 21:24)
God promises well-being for those who live
wisely according to His will.
 But sorrows of the mind can contribute
to the sickness of the body.
A broken spirit, sunk by the burden of afflictions
can dry up the bones, eating away at the marrow.
I found myself thinking of how
 David forfeited such physical well-being before he confessed
that he had sinned against Bathsheba and Uriah.
David knew that his sin was against God foremost.
"Against thee, thee only, have I sinned
and done this evil in thy site." (Psalm 51:4a) 
~ You may want to read about Davids repentive heart in your own time ~
(Psalm 32:3-4 & Psalm 51) 
The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity;
but a wounded spirit who can bear." (Proverbs 18:14)
A mans spirits sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear.
Having a "crushed spirit" causes one to loose hope.
Therefore, we should strive to have the right attitude (a merry heart)
in all manner of life.
We all have people in our lives who struggle with sickness and weakness; yet,
 do you find that many times when you pay them a visit
 they are the ones who cheer you?
"Cheer" in the dictionary ~ is the State of mind or heart: spirit,
( be of good cheer) Rejoice, (likely to dispel gloom or worry)
 State of mind or heart ~ I like that.
Right heart attitudes ~
will put a smile on our face ~ hope in our hearts ~ praise on our lips ~
 and beautifies us with the joy of the Lord.
When we have the right heart attitude through focusing on Christ
and the promises found in His Word,
those attributes are sure to flow from our own hearts onto others
bringing encouragement to those
who may be experiencing a broken or crushed spirit.
When we allow the Spirit of God to flow through our own hearts,
God is the One who receives all the honor and glory
and lives are touched in ways we may never know this side of Eternity.
The beauty of the Lord will fall on those with a crushed spirit,
as we allow ourselves to be used by the hand of God.
To God be the glory!

"The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart:
but a good report maketh the bones fat". (Proverbs 15:30)
A "good report" or good news ~
offers sound truth and wisdom
that stirs the heart by relieving anxiety 
and producing a cheerful face. 
 It is Christ and our relationship with Him  that causes us to have
that state of mind and cheerful heart in all our afflictions. 
A merry heart, high spirits and lightheartedness
brings us joy no matter what we may be facing
and should cause us to spread that joy with a cheerful heart onto others.

The Lord is for the body, and provides for it not only meat, but medicine.
God wants us to have a merry heart that rejoices in Him.
When we look to and lean on Jesus and the promises found in His Word,
He will be faithful in providing for our every need
 through His Spirit, and by His grace.
But sorrows of the mind can contribute
to the sickness of the body.
A broken spirit, sunk by the burden of afflictions
can dry up the bones, eating away at the marrow.
These verses are telling us that there is a basic relationship 
between our mental attitude and our physical well-being.
What we allow into our hearts
has a direct bearing on our physical health.


Precious Lord Jesus,
cause us to keep our minds set upon You and Your Word,
so as to live our days with a merry heart
rejoicing in You and Your promises.
May we have hearts filled with joy
and praise on our lips
for Your glory.

Be Gracious!
~ Debbie ~


Linda said...

Christian sympathies and condolences sweet true your post is--especially loving the Proverbs 15:30. Have a beautiful day...smiles

quakerhillfarm said...

Oh, if so many others could have an Uncle Spike in their lives! Truly a lovely post. My Uncle Spike was my own mother and to her, I will be eternally grateful. Blessings to you my dear friend. Lynn

Sandi said...

"During the last days of Uncle Spikes life
he was on hospice; yet, he still had that joy and laughter
in his heart with a smile that warmed your soul.
His hope was in Christ, and it was evident in his life
as he passed from this life into glory."

A life well-lived!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a beautiful post, of God's love, your Uncle Spike's love, your salvation, your hunger and thirst to know more of God. All of that has blessed you so that you are a light and blessing to others. You will see your Uncle Spike again one day. Right now, he's cheering you on (along with the rest of the saints) as you live your life through faith in Jesus.

Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

Anne Payne said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Debbie! Your Uncle Spike sounds like he was a wonderful mentor. To God be the Glory!!!

Sylvia said...

Debbie,I am sorry for the the lost of your Uncle Spike,what a great post to honor him.It's so good to have someone when you're a baby in Christ to help you learn how to grow apiritually.
Have a blessed day,my friend,

Elizabethd said...

What wonderful memories you must have of such a discerning gentleman.

Cheryl said...

Oh, I am SO sorry about the loss of your Uncle Spike! I know how special an uncle can be. My Uncle Don is the closest thing to a Dad I have since losing my precious Daddy in 2000. I do trust Jesus to hold you close and comfort you as you grieve. You have my deepest, most sincere sympathy. Sending you much love and many hugs! God bless you, sweet friend.

Linda said...

Dearest Debbie,

My deepest and sincere condolences to you. This is such a beautiful post. Sending you much love and warm hugs.

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh Debbie, I am so sorry for the loss of your Uncle Spike, but what an inspiration he was and still is on your life. I loved reading about his last days, and I'm sure he was so ready for his eternal life with Jesus Christ. Yes, all of us must have a cheerful heart, even through our sorrows. Love and God bless you, my friend.

Roosterhead Designs said...

May God bless your heart dear Debbie; with grace and strength as you feel the sorrow; but experience the joy for his soul as well!
I really enjoyed this post. It is so nice to share with others; testimonies like these! I loved the beautiful 'sepia' photo's as well. Blessings to you,
Karen O

AnnMarie aka Vintage Junkie aka NaNa said...

So sorry for your the loss of your dear uncle. How wonderful it will be for you when you see him again in glory! Wonderful words here to meditate on!

Debby Ray said...

Oh Debbie, what a beautiful post. Laughter and joy are the BEST medicines! I am so sorry to hear about you losing your precious uncle and I was again remind this past weekend at my BIL's funeral what a beautiful thing a home going can be. I know your Uncle Spike is up there fellowshipping with his brother and Jesus about now! Prayers for you and the family left behind though...I know you will miss him dearly. Hugs, sweet friend!

P.S. I also just love your photos of the vintage medicine bottles!

Christine said...

What a testimony your precious Uncle Spike has left behind & how many have benefited from his wise counsel !
A lovely , God glorifying post, thank you for sharing & sincere sympathies.

NanaNor's said...

Dear Debbie, Blessed in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Your uncle certainly sounded like a saint in your life. It is always bitter sweet when one of His are called home-we grieve for our loss but celebrate their home-going. May memories continue to bless you dear one.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

So very true - and science is beginning to reveal the truths of scripture in this matter too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie, What a blessing Uncle Spike was to you in your life. My deepest sympathy as I know he will be very much missed.
I love your words on cheerfulness and the verses you have shared today. God bless your first week in August!
Thank you for your visit and kind comment on our move.

living from glory to glory said...

Hello, Lovely post filled with such truth. I know Uncle Spike is with His Lord and Savior!!
So glad you got to enjoy your grandsons!
Blessings, Roxy

Alex said...

Losing him must be hard indeed. He gave you such a precious gift of faith, and support all the way through, that is the best a person can do! what a fine human being : )
You know when you catch a warm spot of sun outside, perhaps when Spring has just arrived and you soak it up blissfully for a moment or two?
I often think of Jesus like that, and your bible quotes reminded me.
Thank you for that : )

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Debbie, My deepest sympathy in the loss of your sweet Uncle. He sounds like such an incredible man and passed on to you the love of our Lord. From him you learned so much and were very blessed. Thank you for this beautiful post and lesson. You have such a cheerful heart and a blessing to me always. Happy August with love!! xo

Thankful for Grace said...

So sorry for the loss of your dear Uncle Spike. I know God's promise of Heaven and eternal life with our loved ones brings you comfort in this time of grief.

I have no doubt that you will pour godly wisdom and encouragement into your grandsons' lives, just as Uncle Spike did to you. How fun that you got to spend some focused time with them recently. Yes, there really is life away from the computer!!


Bonnie said...

Debbie, I've said it before but you have a beautiful heart. Your post today is so true. A cheerful countenance makes such a difference. Your uncle was an amazing man. He has left a valuable legacy living on in you to share with others.
I know your grandsons feel so loved in your home.
I love your prayer at the end of your post.

Stephanie said...

Good evening! Once again you have poured your heart into a post and the words you shared went straight to my have such a special way about you. You know how to say just the right thing at just the right moment and I know that is because of your close walk and relationship with the Lord.

I know Uncle Spike meant a great deal to you and I know you will miss him... I am glad he shared his love for the Savior with you...he has left a legacy behind. Because of his testimony and willingness to share the Gospel with you you accepted the Lord as your Savior and because I have a father who is also a believer I was blessed to grow up in a home that was founded on God's principles and His Truth. It's truly amazing to see how people in our lives play such important roles.

Thinking of you! Love you lots!

Melanie said...

What a wonderful legacy your Uncle Spike has left behind. Laughter is indeed such a tonic. A beautiful post.

hobbyloes said...

My sympathie and condolences dear Debbie.
A wonderful post to read about your grandsons, your dear uncle Spike and your Salvation.
I am very impressed.

Kelly @ Homespuns 'n Hayfields said...

I'm so sorry for your loss Debbie. I remember meeting Spike when I was a kid, it's definitely a name you never forget lol. I know how much he meant to you, this comes as a bit of a shock, especially so soon after losing your Dad. You're in my prayers.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am truly sorry for your loss of your dear Uncle Spike, but what a lasting legacy he left in you!! How marvelous that he was able to pass on his faith in Christ to you and that you are continuing to carry that torch of salvation to others! How marvelous! Thank you for sharing this story and the wonderful verses. May God bless you and keep you in His love and grace.

Sue said...

What a joy and pleasure it has been for me to visit your blog this afternoon, Debbie I have read several of your previous post and enjoyed meeting Donatello so much, I know she will continue to bring you much joy, just as our little dog Jack has us! We found him under similar circumstances, or should I say he found us!~smile~
I didn't realize it had been a year since you lost your dad, I am so thankful that God's comforting Spirit is always there ever enfolding us with His abiding love!

Your sweet spirit has given me much comfort today for that I am so thankful, and for your prayers,
Your friend in Christ,

Lady Linda said...

Oh dear Debbie, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet uncle. I am so thankful that he was willing to introduce you to our Savor. How very special and what wonderful memories you must have of him. What an example and a reminder to us all.
Much love,

Linda Walker said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your dear Uncle Spike. Sending my love and my deepest condolences to you and your family. They say certain people come into our lives for a purpose....I would have to agree. Sounds like he strengthened your faith. How wonderful that he touched your life in this way. You are blessed.

Kelly-Anne ♥ The Diary of a Country Girl said...

Dear Debbie...your words radiate such love, warmth and wisdom...wisdom that you have been gleaning for many years... What a blessing to have you share it - my heart was beautifully refreshed this bright Monday morning... Thank you for always seeking to inspire others to a closer walk with Christ... You have encouraged my heart greatly!

How special that your uncle was so steadfast in his faith and made sure he told everyone around him of the redemptive love of a Saviour! Oh, sad for you to lose him, but I am sure in your heart of hearts you are rejoicing that he has been rewarded and that he is resting with the King in Eternity!

How true the verse that talks. about keeping a merry heart... My sisters and I often sing something that goes like this... ''A joyful heart is good medicine, good medicine, a joyful heart''. It was set to music by Steve Green and is great to sing when someone is feeling down or discouraged. A joyful heart does wonders...

I must be off now to see to some morning chores but oh! I have a spring in my step...I serve a risen, wonderful King! What a blessing!

Sending love and smiles your way, Debbie!

Pom Pom said...

I'm sorry for your loss.
What a man of God! How dear that he reflected Jesus.

Camille said...

I am so sorry for the earthly loss of your precious Uncle Spike, Debbie. What a blessing to know that he still lives...because He is with the Lord! What a precious testimony of God's goodness to you through your uncle's influence on your life spiritually. How gracious our Great God is to us! I am sure you have enjoyed having your three grandsons with you...what a sweet blessing from the Lord you are to them. Big Hugs, Camille

Vicky Hunt said...

What a special man your uncle was. I am sorry for your loss sweet friend. Prayers for you and your family.

Hugs, Vicky

Sandra said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Your uncle sounds like a wonderful man, full of faith, wisdom and joy. What a privilege for you to have him in your life! Thank you for sharing this post with us.

Oh, how is Donatella? :)

Deborah Montgomery said...

Oh Debbie, I'm glad I didn't miss this post. I'm sorry to hear about your dear uncle. What a blessing to have him share with you and encourage you in your faith. He left quite a legacy with his eagerness to share the gospel with you.
I'm happy you had time with your grandsons. I am sure you are passing on that sweet legacy, that Good News, to them. Blessings, Deborah

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

A beautiful post dear Debbie, shared in such an encouraging way, in the midst of your grieving! What a blessing that you came to the Lord through your dear Uncle Spike, and I know his passing must really leave a hole in your life, yet, we are so thankful for another faithful saint who has made it home! What a precious legacy he left behind, and the influence of his life on yours and your family! I know that you have passed on that legacy to your children and grandchildren, they are blessed indeed to have such a precious saint in the Lord to call their mother and grandmother! Hugs for you today dear friend, may the Lord comfort your heart with special memories as you walk through this time of grief.

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